Wednesday, March 29, 2023


    As I continued to edit my opening, it felt as though an aspect was missing. Visually, the story was there, but the piece lacked an auditory aspect. As I started to think of all the different things I could add to it, I immediately knew I didn't want music. The idea of music felt tacky in my own project and I just never felt like it paired well with the genre or tone of the story. Then, I started to contemplate a voiceover and instantly it clicked. A voiceover was a perfect opportunity to loop the meaning of the title into the story while still staying on character with my piece. The idea of hearing the main character's "inner thoughts" tied perfectly with the story and is an idea I would carry out throughout the entire film if I were to develop it. It also tied in conventions of the narrative genre, which was always my plan to incorporate into my psychological thriller piece.

Here it is:


"by nature" voiceover 

the human instinct is a funny thing, isn’t it?

the fact that one can be born with a quality and naturally act upon it with no doubt 

like its simply hardwired into their system

sparking a mother's instinct to always protect

a mother would do anything for their kid without a second thought, engulfing any worry or trouble

these types of qualities tend to define who we are as a person, as we never take the time to learn or question them

we are as such, by nature

and yet again, sometimes we lie, believing we are doing it for the good of another

the instinct of protecting our loved ones

no matter the damage left behind, as though one's conscience is seized by the overbearing feeling of love, to the point of no return

but I guess that’s just who we are 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Group Meeting #2

    Today was our second and final group meeting of this process! It would be a lie if I said this process felt eternal, it feels as though we started just last week. However, as we are approaching our final week, my group and I took this time to band together and discuss the final stage of our projects, our critical reflections. Due to the fact the majority of us were absent during the lesson on the CCRs, we had LOTS of questions. Thankfully, we took this time to answer each other's questions and even approach Mrs. Stoklosa with questions to clear up any confusion we had before. In the past, the students had only had to make one video component where they answered the 4 questions of their reflection. However, now things have changed where we must have 2 creative components rather than 1 to answer the reflection questions. 
    After our discussion, I started to brainstorm on what I wanted to accomplish for my own personal CCR. I have already started to answer some questions on here in the past weeks, but up until this point, I had not thought about the components I wanted to create. I finally decided I wanted to do a presentation-style component and a podcast for the other, as they are contrasting mediums that would pair well with my project, one being visual and the other auditory.

I can't wait to start creating and wrapping up this process!


Sunday, March 26, 2023

Beginning the Editing Process

     Now that filming is all complete, it's time to start our post-production phase! This is usually kicked off by starting to edit the project. For editing this project, I will be using the software Adobe Premiere Pro 2022. I have lots of experience with this software as I have used it to edit all my other production projects in the past, dating all the way back to my middle school years. 

Creating the new project!

    Before I do any importing or editing, I like to take the time to organize my workspace. In the past, especially with projects that involve lots of different files of footage and etc., it makes the process so much easier if you organize your files by their properties. I like to create bins with my project workspace, this time being 3 that I labeled footage, audio, and graphics. My footage bin will hold all of my video clips, audio will hold the voiceover and all the natural sounds recorded, and graphics will hold the title graphic and all the opening credit graphics like "Directed by Mya Wolf" etc.

My project bins

Time to start line editing!

Saturday, March 25, 2023

CCR Question #3

 How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

          Having prior experience with creating content frequently in class and outside settings, I have a pretty solid foundation of production skills with a camera already developed. However, I love to reflect on each experience in order to learn and grow as a producer. I take every opportunity to try new things and experiment to expand my skills.

    With this specific project, I really used this time to work with shot composition and angles as that is an aspect that lacks more than others in past projects. I was able to play with the rule of thirds and try things like dutch and high angles rather than just regular eyeliner. The rule of thirds is a shot composition technique that divides your shot into an equal 3 by 3 grid. This can help diversify your shots and make them more aesthetic as nothing is uneven or just plainly set in the middle. 

The rule of thirds grid dividing up a still frame

    This project helped me gain skills in the scheduling aspect of production. In order to stay on track with such a project, I was forced to constantly create and revise schedules and outlines to keep my thoughts organized and concise. By doing so, I was able to be very efficient with my time while developing my ideas and filming my actual opening. 

Friday, March 24, 2023

Filming Day

    And that's a wrap! Today I am finally entering the post-production stage as we finish shooting for my opening "By Nature." Filming was such a good experience I am very fortunate that everything went to plan and smooth. With the use of my storyboard I had done previously, I was able to film everything chronologically and be sure I filmed every shot I needed. I was able to even film extra shots just in case I realized I needed more when editing. 
    We started filming in her bedroom and then we eventually moved to the bathroom and the kitchen. For settings like the bedroom and kitchen, I used more natural lightning as the artificial was too yellow in those areas. The natural lightning was actually perfect as it fit the dull, gray tone I wanted to portray. Unfortunately the natural lightning couldn't reach the bathroom so I had to use the artificial lightning, but this one wasn't as yellow so it worked out fine. 

Here are some photos we got while filming! 


Saturday, March 18, 2023

Outline for CCR Question #1

 How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

This question I always knew was going to be one of the harder ones for me to answer as representation is a topic Ive never been able to easily identify and grasp. Throughout all of my past media text essays, I always do good with the microanalysis but lack heavily with the macro analysis. This is why I wanted to make a outline to break down the different aspects of the question that way I can develop my ideas and make sure I cover everything throughly.

Here is my plan/outline:

- Discuss the how project uses the conventions of its genre (psychological thriller) through its cinematography 

- Counter with how the project challenges conventions by also incorporating aspects of the genre, narrative, adding a unique feeling to the opening

- Decribe RAQUEL, protagonist who is diagnosed with OCD, and touch in the representation of people with OCD/mental disorders in opening

I think that i’m gonna develop a script for my CCR so I truly cover everything in a timely manner, as we only have 10 minutes, so I will definetly be posting that here when I get the chance. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Prepping for Filming Day

         With filming day fastly approaching, I had to make sure everything was ready so it could be as smooth and quick as possible. I have already completed my storyboard which helps me a lot when shooting as it keeps me on track and makes sure I film everything I need since I move chronologically. 

    The next thing I needed to make sure is that my actress had the costume and props I needed for production. As I discussed in a previous blog, I wanted RAQUEL to dress in layers with a baggy zip-up jacket to conceal her body similar to how she often conceals her true emotions behind a frequent deadpan face. We were able to make the inspiration pictures into blue mom jeans, a brown t-shirt, and a black baggy zip-up jacket. This will be accompanied with a pink claw clip to make the hair inspiration picture for the character. 

    While talking to my actress, I did however learn about a problem. She is currently in the process of moving, meaning that she soon going to start packing up her room and her house. This was a problem because we are filming in her house, so I had to make sure I got to film before everything started going in boxes. She told me that they were going to start packing next weekend as both of her parents will be home, so we moved the filming day to that Friday. That way she will be back in town from spring break and it will be before all the packing begins. 

Keep you posted on how filming day goes!

Monday, March 13, 2023

Filming Equipment Problems

     As I was preparing to start filming, especially during spring break, I had to figure out what equipment I was going to use. I have experience in my years of TV Production with using cameras to film so I wanted to continue to do so, especially since I prefer the video quality of cameras over an iPhone. 

   My original plan was to check out the equipment through my TV program as I am most familiar with those cameras and the other equipment available I would need. However, I realized that since it was spring break, I wouldn't be allowed to have the equipment over that long period of time. Our advisor was also out of town the whole week before so there was no access to the equipment closet. 

    My last resort was to use my camera, but I was afraid of the sound aspect of my video as my camera has a bad microphone built into it and no audio jack to add an external microphone. That's when I realized I could use on own RODE mic and attach it to my phone using a dongle adapter and record certain natural sounds using voice memos and edit it into my project. This will make up for it as the primary source of sound in my project is a voice-over from the main character. Not only does it solve my sound problem, but it also adds to the story as I wanted the audience to feel like they are in the character's mind, hearing her thoughts. This would carry on throughout parts of the film.

My camera: Nikon D3500

                        The microphone I used 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Untitled No More

 The time has come! After weeks of refering to my opening as “Untitled”, I have finally decided on a title. The title I settled on is “By Nature”. This phrase is commonly used when describing one’s character, as though an aspect of it is pre-existing, almost instinctive. Lots of people, by nature, are protective of their loved ones and would do anything to keep them save. This plays into my opening film story as MALIA, sister of RAQUEL, does everything she can to protect RAQUEL from the threats of the real world, whether it’s good or bad. I plan on including a voice over of RAQUEL during my opening talking about this theme and phrase, to emphasize the meaning and tying it into the story that way. Time to make a title graphic!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Location, Location, Location

   With filming about a week or so away, I needed to start think about where exactly I will be shooting my opening. My opening includes 3 different settings (bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen), so it had to be an indoor location. It also had to be a relatively open space as there are a good amount of tracking shots included in my storyboard. 

   All of this being in the back of my mind, I went over to my friend Gabbi’s house, actress playing RAQUEL, and it hit me as soon as I walked in that this was the perfect place. For one it was her own home, so not only was it super accessible whenever we needed it, but it was also a place she was used to. This makes her more comfortable while filming as she is in a familiar space, which will make her performance more natural. Her room was the perfect size and had a connecting bathroom. The living was also had an open floor plan so there was tons of filming space taht connected to the kitchen. 

    I also realized the abundance of natural light that filled up the house immediately. There is never really any artificial lights being used other than at night when the sun was down. This was perfect as the natural light creates normal shadowing, which would give the house a darker, ominous feel to it. That kind of lightning would prrfectly fit the tone of my opening. 

Here are some pictures of the space:

Monday, March 6, 2023


Here it is! The long awaited storyboard is finally here. Now trust me, I know I’m not an artist… but by storyboarding, it makes the filming process a whole lot easier for me. I know exactly what I’m shooting in the time-sensitive moment and It helps me stay on track so I have everything I need to edit. Take a look!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Plot Outline Extended

Recently, I’ve having a hard time trying to develop the storyboard for my opening. So, I decided to try and develop the plot for my story as if it was produced as a real film. Hopefully this will help me fill in some of my story holes. Storyboard coming next week!!

Act 1

  • opening (text message) 
  • go back to 6 days before opening 
  • meets sister at coffee shop 
  • finds photo and contact in purse
  • contacts number 

Act 2 

  • discovered it’s a private investigator looking for their mother 
  • meets with investigator pretending to be her sister 
  • gets mother information and meets her 
  • discovers her sister has been lying the whole time 

Act 3

  • goes back home to sister
  • finds hidden photo albums as her as a baby 
  • confronts sister about investigator 
  • finds out her sister is actually her adopted mother
  • escaping 
  • flash forward to new life with new name

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Change in Shooting Schedule


    In my original schedule, I had planned out to be filming by the start of next week. However, due to the school production of Legally Blonde that is taking up my time during that week(3/6-3/11) and my actress, this is no longer possible. I wanted to try for the week(3/12-3/18) after, but I will be away for a field trip from that Wednesday all the way to Saturday, the start of spring break. In the event that I don't find time to film before I leave for the competition, I have adjusted my schedule to be more realistic. 


Week 1 (2/13- 2/19)- Brainstorm/Research

Week 2 (2/20- 2/26)- Pre-Production (creation of storyboard, shot list, etc.)

Week 3 (2/27- 3/5)- Continued Pre-Production

Week 4/5 (3/6- 3/19)- Preparation for filming (storyboarding and development of mise-en-scene)

Week 6 (3/20-3/26)- Film opening and start editing

Week 7 (3/27-4/2)- Continue/finish editing and create CCR


(RED text to show the changes in the schedule)

Critical Reflection

  This documentary has been one of my favorite projects I have ever worked on. I have had experience working on film openings, music videos,...