Saturday, March 18, 2023

Outline for CCR Question #1

 How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

This question I always knew was going to be one of the harder ones for me to answer as representation is a topic Ive never been able to easily identify and grasp. Throughout all of my past media text essays, I always do good with the microanalysis but lack heavily with the macro analysis. This is why I wanted to make a outline to break down the different aspects of the question that way I can develop my ideas and make sure I cover everything throughly.

Here is my plan/outline:

- Discuss the how project uses the conventions of its genre (psychological thriller) through its cinematography 

- Counter with how the project challenges conventions by also incorporating aspects of the genre, narrative, adding a unique feeling to the opening

- Decribe RAQUEL, protagonist who is diagnosed with OCD, and touch in the representation of people with OCD/mental disorders in opening

I think that i’m gonna develop a script for my CCR so I truly cover everything in a timely manner, as we only have 10 minutes, so I will definetly be posting that here when I get the chance. 

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