Sunday, March 24, 2024

Magazine Article Layout

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Today I sat down and started to create the layout of my print component, a magazine article. I decide to use the software, Canva, to design the spread. I have a lot of experience with graphic design on here, dating back all the way to 8th grade when I was a yearbook editor. I know it like the back of my hand. I also have Canva Pro, which gives you access to so many cool features and graphics you can implement into your designs if you choose.

I started out by finding a basic magazine template to get the basic shape of a typical layout. Magazine layouts tend to be very specific with text alignment, spacing, and headings, so finding a template made sure I hit all of those kinds of conventions. However, the only templates available were one pagers, and I needed to create a spread. So, I created a duplicate second page and messed around with the spacing. I made the left column wider, moved the right column to the top right, made the photo bigger, and created a space/text box in the bottom right to add an important quote.

In the print component lecture Mrs. Stoklosa gave us, she gave a good amount of examples of what we could write about if we were completing a magazine article for the documentary portfolio selection. The one that interested me the most was writing about the director. I haven't quite decided if I want to have a "Director Q & A", a "Director Highlight", or something else along those lines. The writing portion of this is still a work in progress.


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