Saturday, March 23, 2024


The time has finally come... WE HAVE FOOTAGE!! I sat down with Riley today, the first weekend of spring break, and interviewed her for my piece, and I'm thrilled with how it turned out. 

Not only is Riley just a kind-hearted and well-spoken person, but as a whole, it was a great experience tlearnut more about her journey in sports and truly understand her passions as an athlete. During the interview, we got into her origins as a flag football player and her love for the sport of football on a professional level. She is super involved in so many aspects of the athletics program at our school. I was able to really get a grasp of how multi-faceted she is in the sports world and her plans for the future when it came to further pursuing her interests. 

I had a little problem with obtaining equipment for this interview in the beginning but it ended up working out in the end. Since school was out, I couldn't get the remaining equipment I needed from school so I had to turn to BECON. However, a lot of kids had plans to film projects over the break so almost all the equipment that was available there was already being borrowed by other people. Thankfully, my friend Male had checked out some equipment

from there and was nice enough to allow me to use her equipment for the interview that morning. She came with me and helped me during the interview, controlling the audio while I interviewed Riley. I owe a huge thank you to her. 

Male had checked out equipment to film her short film over the break, so the audio equipment she had was a little different than what I had in mind. However, it was actually a great experience. I never had experience using a boom pole, but the one she had synced automatically to my main camera and honestly had great sound quality. The audio has a little echo but that was mostly because it was filmed in Riley's house, so I gonna just fix it in post-production editing, but it's not too bad. 

I can't wait for you guys to get to know Riley as I was able to today.

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Critical Reflection

  This documentary has been one of my favorite projects I have ever worked on. I have had experience working on film openings, music videos,...