Wednesday, March 6, 2024

“Casting”/Target Audience

 As you all know, I have chosen Riley Orovitz as my subject for this documentary extract I will be producing. However, I haven’t really taken the time to fully explain why. 

Riley was the person I immediately thought of when I talked to Mrs. Stoklosa about doing this piece. It all started with her brand project presentation. Her theme for the whole thing was competition and how sports has influenced her life to be very high-paced and active. Her video component was all a bunch of videos and photos of playing sports and living a life of sports from a very young age to present day. Back then I thought it was very interesting, but little did I know that it would be exactly what I am trying to capture with my piece. She is extremely active in our high school’s sport life: playing flag football, team manager for the girls basketball team and boys football team, social media manager for our school’s athletic pages, etc. The list is never ending. 

Though my subject is a similar age as me, I want my piece to have a broad target audience. My idea with this documentary was always to be an episodic series, where every episode would be featuring a new subject that fits a certain “role” in supports. This could be player, coach, manager, owner, and even fan. All different ages and backgrounds. Even though Riley fits under a lot of those categories, her episode would fall under player the most, at least that is how I play on structuring it, while also featuring all the other aspects as well. This way, there is ideally an episode that is connectable for everyone. 

Since I am only really producing one little excerpt of this documentary and not the full series, the representation of this idea would be heavily shown through the social media aspect of my project. At first I want to start by making posts to tease the series as a whole. Then, I am going to make posts that will introduce each episode. What I want to do is have a photo that symbolizes each role as a post rather than post the actual subject. Not only do I not have the people to represent each of these roles since I am only producing one, it I also like the idea of saving the identity of the subjects to be revealed during the episode.

I created my social media page today!

Based on my social media research, I decided to make my page my production company that is producing this piece rather than the actual docu-series, as it is not customary to the social media presence of sports documentaries.

Here is my page and production logo: 


The production logo I wanted to be very simple, but also modern. Though it seems very similar to the famous “A24 Productions”, that actually was not the purpose at all. The M is an initial to my first name as this is my own individual production company, and the 24 is a reference to my sports number that I used the majority of the time I played soccer. 

I can’t wait to update you guys on my future posts!

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