Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Obstacles/Issues- Filming

 According to the project production schedule I made at the beginning of this process, I was supposed to start filming about 2 weeks ago. However, as you guys can see, unfortunately, that has not happened yet. 

This problem more stems from trying to find a good time to film rather than being unprepared. I’ve had my interview content ready for a good amount of time now, so you may be asking, why is there a delay then? Well, for the past few weeks I have been extremely committed to a few events involving the drama program at my school. We performed Chicago the Musical form March 6th-8th, but even before that I was stuck after school every day during the two weeks before this from 3-5:30. This had made it extremely hard for me to find a time after school to film. 

So, I turned to class time. I wanted to try to film the interview during 2nd period as that is when Riley and I both have Aice Media, so we are both in the same place at the same time. However, during show week, one of the days I was gone for a full day on an excused field trip as we were performing Chicago the whole day. The remaining days have either been a day where a sub is there, a lesson day, a group meeting day, or a day that happens to not work for my subject. 

This week I am currently away on a field trip for a drama competition in Tampa, ranging from Wednesday to Saturday night, missing two A days which could have been potential filming days. 

Our time to complete this project is slowly chipping away and it is stressing me out that I don’t have any footage to work on at this point. So, I started to create a plan B. Now, the last week before spring break we have 2 A days, one however that is on an early release day and one that a group meeting is planned for. I still want to try and film in class during these two days, but in the case I can’t, I am going to film my interview over spring break in my subjects house. I can easily check out equipment from BECON and this way I have a lot of uninterrupted time. 

I will keep you guys updated on when I get to film

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