Friday, March 1, 2024

Social Media Research

In preparation of creating the social media aspect of my portfolio project, I decided to research the social media presence of some sports documentaries I consume in my free time.

Hard Knocks- HBO

         Media text: documentary 

         Social Media Tool: instagram

Description of types of posts

There are 3 main types of posts are present:

- video clips from posted episode, whether its an interview or interactions

- funny clips of players mic-ed up on the field or on the side line

- still shots from the episodes with the subtitles of what is being said on the bottom

Description of how branding is developed:

The series heavily establishes their brand through their social media presence. Immediately when you click on the page you get a description of the purpose. The clips and still images are all directly pulled from the show so you know exactly what you are going to be watching based off the content. The color theme of the pages always correlate with the NFL team colors that they are following during that season. Overall, you get a sense of the “tracking/behind the scenes” from the crew, which is the idea of the show.

Analysis for my own implications:

The show posts lots of clips and images from the filming of the episodes which I really like the idea of. When I do my documentary, though it would be with dialogue or be clips of interactions, I want to post still images and b-roll shots as teaser to introduce/develop the subject.

The Last Dance- ESPN

        Media text: documentary

        Social Media Tool: instagram 

Description of types of posts:

All the posts on social media that are related to the show are actually not on a series-branded page, but posted by viewers. ESPN, the service that produced the show would post an occasional flyer to promote the release and distribution, but most of their publicity was through airing ads/commercials on TV. This is most likely due to the target audience they are reaching to with it is an older crowd who are not super present on social media, as the main subject of the doc is an basketball legend who is retired. The content posted by fans all clips from the show are typically clips from the show with added subtitles, flyers, or images of them watching the show with a promotional caption.

Description of how branding is developed:

The brand is heavily established as a limited series that follows the story of the last few season of Michael Jordan’s career. All flyers and clips always have Michael Jordan present. In the same case they don’t, they are from interviews of people telling their side of the story, involving Michael Jordan. 

Untold- Netflix

         Media text: documentary 

         Social Media Tool: instagram 

Description of types of posts:

Similar to The Last Dance, there is not official brand social media page used to publicize the series. All posts are either through Netflix’s page or by viewers. However, this series is an episodic documentary, meaning that every episode covers a different person and their careers in a sport. All the posts are flyers or still images made specifically for each episode.

Description of how branding is developed:

The show itself doesn’t really have a huge brand that is publicized through social media. The main purpose of the series is more established through the actual episodes and how they are structured: telling the stories of not as popular athletes and how they got to where they are today in their sports.

Analysis for my own implications:

What I’m taking from my research of both Untold and The Last Dance is that social media is not a huge factor when it comes to the publicity for sports documentaries. At least for the specific series, it’s more through the streaming service/distributor. So, for my sports documentary (untitled at the moment..), I want to create my social media page for a production company that would be hypothetically distributing my doc. This would, in my opinion, be more realistic to how real sports documentaries are publicized by real streaming services.

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